Affordable montessori toys for babies

Montessori Toys for 1 Year Old

Montessori Toys for 1 Year Old

If you’re new to this toy blog, you may be unfamiliar with the concept of Montessori! Here at ToyVentive, we believe in the Montessori approach. Essentially, Montessori is a lifestyle and educational approach that firmly believes less is more. 

In this approach, every toy in the Montessori category is a form of learning that helps your child become engaged in their development. 

What are the Benefits of Montessori toys for 1 year old?

Montessori toys focus on your child’s learning, guaranteeing that they will work on a particular skill when playing with a Montessori toy! 

Montessori play supports your child in acting as their own teacher. With every toy, there is a purpose, or intention, rather than a toy acting as a source of entertainment. 

Are Montessori toys for 1 year old worth it?

We have no choice but to answer this question immediately! Our answer? Yes! Montessori is a huge part of who we are as a company. Why? Because Montessori toys and learning enrich your child’s learning experience with intention and purpose! 

We support Montessori toys because they are worth the investment! Whether you buy your Montessori toy from us, from another toy company, or even from your neighbor’s garage sale, your toy will last for years and be relevant for future generations. 

The difference between close-ended and open-ended toys in Montessori 

In play, there are close-ended and open-ended toys. Essentially, close-ended toys have a specific purpose, often providing your child with a goal to accomplish. Puzzles, such as the ones that you can find in our Montessori toy store, are considered close-ended as they have an intended purpose of being completed through a specific action! 

Toys that are open-ended don’t have that specific purpose; instead, they work on your child’s creativity and imagination. These toys can include balls that vary in shape, size, and texture. Your child works on their senses while engaging with each ball in a unique and creative way. 

It's important to note that creativity can be used for both close-ended and open-ended toys! Just because a toy is close-ended doesn’t mean you are restricted to that one form of play! 

Regardless of whether or not a toy is close-ended or open-ended, both forms of toys can fall into the category of Montessori. 

Curious about more specifics? Read our article, “Best Montessori Gifts for 2 Year Olds” linked here! 

What are the best Montessori toys for 1 year old?

As a company that endorses an approach to Montessori, all of our toys fit as Montessori toys. 


As previously mentioned, puzzles are a great Montessori toy. Puzzles can vary in content, but they often provide your child with important information such as numbers, colors, shapes, and new vocabulary having to do with animals and places. 

You may think that puzzles are only for older children, but they are also great Montessori toys for 1 year olds. Exploring and playing with the puzzle pieces can introduce the above concepts; then when a child is older they can focus on completing the puzzle the way it was intended! 

montessori baby toys 0-6 months

Counting Boards

Specifically, number puzzles, such as a counting board, allow children to work on counting, understanding order, and understanding concepts such as comparing the value of numbers! 

Counting boards often utilize a child’s existing understanding of color and shape to help your child further understand the concept of numbers and counting. 

Activity Cubes

An activity cube is another great example of one of the best Montessori toys for 1 year old out there. If you’re unfamiliar with what an activity cube is, consider reading one of our blog posts that goes into great detail about the benefits of playing with an activity cube. 

An activity cube truly allows your child the freedom for them to experiment and teach themselves the various activities around the cube. You can find out more about how to play with a wooden baby activity cube here!

montessori toys for babies 0-3 months

Real Life Tasks

A big part of Montessori is providing kids with real life skills; therefore, you probably already have many of the “best” Montessori toys for 1 year old around your house. Using a brush to comb your child’s hair is one example of a real life Montessori toy. 

Another example would be using a toothbrush to clean the teeth of the dolls, animals, or siblings around them. 

In this type of place, Montessori stresses the realness of these activities, so use real objects during play rather than pretend objects meant to represent these real objects. For example, don’t use pretend silverware when playing restaurant, instead, use the silverware you all use on a daily basis. 

Shovels and tools are a great example of a real item that can be used to help teach your child about outside activities in the form of play! 

What is a Montessori playroom?

A Montessori playroom uses its space efficiently, without an abundance of toys or items that distract from the objective of the room: effective play. 

To create a Montessori playroom, go through the toys you currently have and ask yourself what is necessary and what hasn’t been touched in months. If you need help, read our blog post about how to declutter the playroom

A Montessori playroom has an open environment that provides a safe space for children to play and express themselves without distraction! By limiting the toys in the playroom, you lessen the potential of your child being distracted from their current activity! 

montessori toys on a budget

How to find Montessori toys for 1 year old on a budget?

If you are familiar with Montessori toys, you may know that they tend to be made of wood, a great natural material that lasts for years! However, wooden toys tend to be more expensive than non-wooden ones. 

Although wooden toys are a great investment, it's understandable if you are unable to make that investment right now. Keep reading for our suggestions on finding Montessori toys on a budget! 

Garage sales and thrift stores

Try going to garage sales and thrifting! It’s a great way to get quality toys for a fraction of the price. With proper cleaning, these toys can be practically new! 

Online marketplaces 

If you can’t find what you want in your local thrift store, try to find it secondhand online. Sites with marketplaces often make it easy to search for certain items and easy access to buy it at a lesser price! 

Support small businesses (little by little) 

You may be surprised to find how affordable some toys can be. If you look at our products, we do our best to offer the best price for every buyer. 

If you find yourself wanting more than one item but can only afford one, buy the one that you most want! The good thing about Montessori is that the toys have many ways to play and will be a great source of entertainment for your child! One toy will provide plenty of important development and skills. 

Trade with relatives and friends

You don’t always have to buy a toy! In fact, swapping toys with neighbors, family members, and friends is a great option for the environment while also saving you money! 

Set up a toy exchange between your friends, allowing yourself access to great Montessori toys for your child and for the other little ones in your world! 

Watch for yearly sales

If you find yourself wanting a toy for your family, keep an eye on yearly sales! Holiday sales offer a great chance at buying the toy you’ve been wanting with a discount. 

In Conclusion…

We hope that this blog has helped you get familiar with the best Montessori toys for 1 year olds and how they can benefit your child!

Montessori is all about helping your child develop important life skills! These toys help them gain independence and apply this new knowledge to their everyday life! 

Providing your child with a montessori toy shouldn’t be a challenge! If you try one of our suggestions, comment below! If you have any new suggestions that could help fellow parents, please leave them in the comments as well! 

Montessori Toys for 1 Year Old

Works Referenced:

affordable montessori toys

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